Bullialdus na Lua, recentemente uma sonda indiana levando um
instrumento americano detectou presença de íons hidroxila na montanha
central dessa cratera, o que significa presença de água magmática na
Lua, talvez subterrânea. Na minha imagem pode se ver essa montanha
central e no link a notícia completa e a imagem de alta resolução da
sonda LRO dessa mesma montanha .
Créditos : AstroPT 08/29/ sonda-indiana-detecta-agua-magm atica-na-superficie-da-lua/
Martini Jr
Bullialdus crater on the moon, a recent Indian spacecraft carrying an American instrument detected the presence of hydroxyl ions in the central mountain of this crater, which means the presence of magmatic water on the Moon, perhaps underground. In my picture you can see that mountain in central and link the full story and high resolution image from LRO this same mountain.
Credits: AstroPT
Créditos : AstroPT
Bullialdus crater on the moon, a recent Indian spacecraft carrying an American instrument detected the presence of hydroxyl ions in the central mountain of this crater, which means the presence of magmatic water on the Moon, perhaps underground. In my picture you can see that mountain in central and link the full story and high resolution image from LRO this same mountain.
Credits: AstroPT
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